Need and Problems of Adolescence
Adolescence is a period of rapid changes. The peculiar and unusual changes that take place during this stage create problems for the adolescent boys and girls. Similarly the need of adolescents are really different from earlier stages of life cycle. If the need of adolescents are not properly gratified the adolescent becomes a problem youth. The basic need and problems of the adolescent boys and girls are as follows.
(A) Need of Adolescence
(1) Sex need:
The maturing of the sex glands is the most important single development of the adolescent years. The sexual instinct which was dormant takes a strong turn and develops into hetro sexuality (attachment towards the opposite sex). Development and sudden functioning of the sex organs create worries, anxieties and tension among the adolescent boys and girls. Members of both sexes display a variety of attitudes towards the changes in their bodily functions, and these attitudes influence their personalities, their school work, interest and their general adjustment to life. Thus to channelise the sex desire of an adolescent youth in a right track, varieties of programmes like creative activities, athletics, moral and sex education can be introduced in the school.
(ii) Security Need:
The adolescent is on the boundary line of childhood and adulthood. So he is typically a person who needs security. guidance and protection like a child and independent views, maturity of opinion and self support like an adult. This need can be fulfilled if the adolescent is given an opportunity of studying the biography of greatmen like Gandhi, Tagore, Vivekananda, Kabir, Nanak, Dayananda, Laxmibai and Sarojini Naidu, etc.
(iii) Gregarious Need:
It is a fact that instincts of the adolescents assumes greater strength and importance at this stage. The adolescents have the enormous power and desire to do many activities to sublimate the animal instincts, which may be desirable or undesirable. Without this sublimation, his intellectual, social, moral and intellectual aspects of the personality cannot be properly trained. Thus adolescents should be provided opportunity to satisfy their basic need through group formation as scouting, NCC, Social service, and community activities otherwise they may indulge themselves into the activities of pick-pocketing, truancy and robbery which are unsocial activities to satisfy their gregarious feelings.
(iv) Adventurous Need:
The feeling of adventure is maximum during adolescence. In the absence of proper direction it takes the form of aimless wandering and unsocial activities. In order to satisfy the anxiety of adolescents excursions, picnic and educational tours, etc., should be organised. Thus providing an opportunity to the adolescents during this period can fulfil their physical needs vis-a-vis adventurous qualities.
(v) Social Need:
An adolescent, in almost all the activities, wants recognition in the form of a praise or a reward or a prize for social approval. He is ambitious of achieving success and getting public recognition. Thus during this stage an adolescent youth requires a good deal of sympathy. If their success or achievement is not recognised at home or in the school they begin to lose interest in such activities and may turn into violent and unrealistic ways.
(vi) Self-awareness Need:
It is a age of self-decoration. Both boys and girls pay more attention towards their dress, make-up, manner of talking, walking, eating, etc., and desires that he/she should be a center of attraction for the opposite sex and recognised by the peer group and elders. So, if their need of self-awareness is not looked into then the adolescents become either aggressive or withdrawn type depending upon the circumstances.
(vii) Need for Status:
Although adolescence is a stage of transition and period of rapid change yet their behaviour and thinking are not accepted by the society easily. If their need for status is not met satisfactorily in the family or in the school it may lead to confusion, ambiguity and disappointment in them. Thus their status in the society must be understood by parents and teachers and accordingly opportunity for participating in all decision making programmes in home, school and the community should be provided.
(viii) Need for Independence:
Adolescents youth need economic and emotional independence. They do not like to depend upon their parents regarding money matter and no longer want to be treated as a child. They want to be self sufficient but they are inexperienced and incapable of taking responsibility for their security and comforts which leads to confusion, anxiety and frustration in them.
(ix) Need for Recreation Activities:
Adolescents are interested to spend their recreation time in useful ways. If their need for recreation is not utilised in proper order then their study is hampered. Thus parents and teachers should guide them properly to utilise their recreation time in a fruitful manner.
(x) Vocational Need:
The strong desire of adolescents is to achieve self sufficiency and make himself/herself quite independent like an adult member of the society. They prefer to earn himself/ herself independently and follow a suitable vocation. Thus during this stage proper care should be taken while educating them as well as an idea about selection of the various vocations as occupation must be informed.
(B) Problems of Adolescents
Adolescence is a period of rapid changes in all demensions of development.
When the needs of adolescents are not satisfied problems occur in behavioural characteristics.
Thus problems of adolescents are either due to himself/herself or due to the conditions of the society in which he/she lives. Lay Cock and other psychologists grouped the problems of adolescent as under:
(1) Problems of adjustment due to changing physical growth and physiological development.
(ii) Becoming emancipated from family and free from emotional dependence on parents.
(iii) Accepting own characteristics of sex-role and making adjustment to the opposite sex.
(iv) Finding and ensuring on a suitable vocation. give
(v) Developing a sound philosophy of life which will meaning and purpose to life.
(vi) Adjustment to personal, social, health and home life relationship.
(vii) Adjustment difficulties with parents and the community.
(vii) Adjustment difficulties in relation to finance. employment, marriage life and future educational and vocational adjustment.
In addition to the above, the problems frequently reported by the adolescents are given in details:
I. Problem of Sex
The period of adolescence is known as a period of stress and strain. It is the most difficult and the awkward period. The period marks the re-awakening of repressed sex-impulse. Thus to help an adolescent sex-education may be introduced in the syllabus as a compulsory subject.
II. Problems related to Education
During the period of adolescence the specific problems related to education are dislike for study, fear of failure, restlessness in class, low grade in the examination, fear of speaking in the class, too much work, dislike for school, partial behaviour of teachers and groupism on the basis of caste, creed and religion. This situation frustrate the mental state of the adolescents.
III. Problems of adjustment at Home
It is a fact that Indian parents have not changed their traditional attitude towards their adolescent sons and daughters. Sometimes parents in majority of the cases are responsible for the problems like imposing restriction on their freedom misunderstanding between parents and adolescents at home, treating adolescent as a small child and not providing facilities when he is in need, etc., are the causes of adjustment problems of adolescents.
IV. Problems related to emotion
The abnormal functioning of the nervous system and the endocrine glands are mainly responsible for emotional problem. Adolescents have both the extreme emotions, i.e.. positive and negative. What is required is to help him/her in emotional control. His/her various needs must be satisfied and guided properly.
V. Adjustment difficulties with school and the community
A rigid discipline, an over-crowded school, an unhealthy atmosphere, and lack of activities in the school, etc., may create problems of adjustment. Adolescents like to go out, mix with friends and to do some social service but the society has some restrictions. Thus an adolescent must be dealt with sympathy and engaged in work according to their ability in the school.
VI. Problems of Economic Independence
It has been reported by a number of studies that the adolescent does not like to depend upon their parents regarding money matter. He/She prefers to earn for himself/ herself and follow a suitable vocation. But due to inadequate experiences and incapable of taking responsibilities for their security and comforts they feel frustration. Thus proper guidance may be given to adolescents by the parents and teacher.
VII. Problems of Vocational Adjustment
Adolescents are very much concerned about their future vocation. The problems lie with the selection of a vocational preference and preparation for it. Thus proper care should be taken in the school that while educating him/her an idea about the availability of different vocations and its selection procedure, etc., must be informed.
IX. Problems of choosing right philosophy of life
Adolescence is a period of wider social contacts, increased mental ability and understanding, and excessive physiological development which create problems and bother adolescents too much. Which philosophy of life they have to follow is difficult and complex on their part to decide. Thus, opportunity must be provided to the adolescent to take a decision to govern their future life in a positive manner.